1100-H14 Aluminum

1100-H14 Aluminum

  • 1100-H14 (1.4X1219X2438)
  • 1100-H14 (1.8X1219X2438)
  • 1100-H14 (2.8X1219X2438)

1100-H14 aluminum is usually what is meant by "commercial grade aluminum". It is known for its superior corrosion resistance, formability, conductivity, and high weldability. It is not used in applications that require high strength or hardness. 1100 is nonmagnetic, weldable, and not heat treatable. It is used for drawing, forming, spinning, fuel tanks, sheet metal works and other applications that require moderate strength for an aluminum with good weld ability. H14 designates the temper, and means that it has been strain hardened and partially annealed.

1100-H14 Aluminum